Sunday, March 20, 2011

Finally an Update!

It's been about a month now since I've written a new blog post. Here we go!

After a few weeks of the 4 hour body I gave up because it was messing with my system and it proved to be fairly difficult to maintain. So instead of trying to find that quick fix, I decided to put forth the workout effort and get back into a routine. I'm now following the GSP Rush Fit workout program which feels very much like crossfit as far as the moves are concerned; however, it's not as heavy as crossfit in the sense of weights. I only use 2 ten pound dumbbells. I recently got a cold which prevented me from working out the past few days, but I got a good run in today (7.25 miles), which my body felt good my cardio didn't feel as strong as it should be. I have 3 weeks till my half-marathon (2 weekends) so now it's time to get my butt in gear and get to work. I started back at my chiropractor this past week due to some shin pains and super tight hamstrings. So hopefully the adjustments will help my running endurance by keeping my hips in line. After realizing my calves were so wrecked I bought some flats for work, which so far have helped with my calves not being as tight.

I'm attempting to get on a better sleep schedule as well. I find that if I get to bed before 12 and then get up at 5, I can get my workout in; however, I need to get more rest. Soon I'll be on two volleyball leagues again and training for my half marathon. I want to do the Rock 'N Roll St. Louis Marathon this fall. Hopefully having a clean apartment will allow for me to do more with my life other than always organizing and cleaning. I'd really like to get a bike or learn how to roller blade. Summer is coming up and I want a hobby that will help me stay active (other than running and working out).