It's been about a month now since I've written a new blog post. Here we go!
After a few weeks of the 4 hour body I gave up because it was messing with my system and it proved to be fairly difficult to maintain. So instead of trying to find that quick fix, I decided to put forth the workout effort and get back into a routine. I'm now following the GSP Rush Fit workout program which feels very much like crossfit as far as the moves are concerned; however, it's not as heavy as crossfit in the sense of weights. I only use 2 ten pound dumbbells. I recently got a cold which prevented me from working out the past few days, but I got a good run in today (7.25 miles), which my body felt good my cardio didn't feel as strong as it should be. I have 3 weeks till my half-marathon (2 weekends) so now it's time to get my butt in gear and get to work. I started back at my chiropractor this past week due to some shin pains and super tight hamstrings. So hopefully the adjustments will help my running endurance by keeping my hips in line. After realizing my calves were so wrecked I bought some flats for work, which so far have helped with my calves not being as tight.
I'm attempting to get on a better sleep schedule as well. I find that if I get to bed before 12 and then get up at 5, I can get my workout in; however, I need to get more rest. Soon I'll be on two volleyball leagues again and training for my half marathon. I want to do the Rock 'N Roll St. Louis Marathon this fall. Hopefully having a clean apartment will allow for me to do more with my life other than always organizing and cleaning. I'd really like to get a bike or learn how to roller blade. Summer is coming up and I want a hobby that will help me stay active (other than running and working out).
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
D15 - 4HB
TEMP | 97.6 | 98.9 |
WEIGHT | 122.8 | 124.0 |
BMI | 21.8 | 22.0 |
FAT | 31.1% | 31.0% |
MUSCLE | 28.6% | 28.9% |
RM kcal | 1241 | 1246 |
BODY AGE | 27 | 28 |
VISCERAL | 4 | 4 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 107/61 81 | 108/61 81 |
For lunch I had a Chipotle burrito bowl with chicken, two types of beans instead of rice, medium salsa and guac. For dinner I had Cajun spiced chicken (3 strips), carrots and a protein shake.
For my workout (and this is what I mean by more effort):
1/2 mile in 5:43
3 x 5 35 pound kettle deadlifts
3 x 5 35 pound kettle posterior pops
3 x 10 35 pound kettle swings
As many rounds as I could do, in 20 minutes of:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sit-ups
I completed 8 rounds with 55 pounds assisted on the pull ups, and the last 5 rounds I completed the pull ups with 60 pounds assisted. In 20:13.1 I completed 13 rounds. This was my first time doing a workout like this in a while and it felt GREAT!
I followed this workout by a long set of stretching, about 20 minutes of just stretching. When I got home, I did 40 minutes of yoga. I've noticed a lot of my muscles are really tight and since I'm going to be running the half in 7 weeks, I need to get loose.
I also have not been consistently taking my pills, mostly because I forget to take my pills to work. I think I need to start taking bags of the vitamins and leaving them at work instead of potentially forgetting them at home. I hopefully will be able to get up earlier and get into a routine in which I take my measurements, eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking, take my vitamins, and do my yoga. After all of that, I can hopefully get in the shower and to work on time. I think the lack of thermogenics, forgetting my vitamins, not including the cayenne in the eggs, and not consistently working out, is really causing me to fail. I need to get into gear and knock out the 10 pounds I set to lose before hand. The closest I've gotten was 119 and that was after a night out. I know it's possible, I just need to work harder.
D14 - 4HB
TEMP | 96.1 AFTER WATER | 98.8 |
WEIGHT | 124.2 | 125 |
BMI | 22.0 | 21.1 |
FAT | 29.6% | 30.5% |
MUSCLE | 30% | 29.4% |
RM kcal | 1250 | 1252 |
BODY AGE | 27 | 28 |
VISCERAL | 4 | 4 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 105/67 70 | 98/60 89 |
Saturday night consisted of boneless buffalo wings for dinner at BWW, which did not sit well with my stomach. Saturday and Sunday were lazy days and I can tell by the way I feel that I just need to get back on track.
D13 - 4HB
TEMP | 98.2 |
WEIGHT | 119.8 |
BMI | 21.2 |
FAT | 31.2% |
MUSCLE | 27.8% |
RM kcal | 1229 |
BODY AGE | 25 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 102/54 72 |
SUPER DEHYDRATED this day. I drank a lot the night before and danced for hours. What I'm starting to see is that I'm not working out on a daily basis as it was my understanding that you should only have to put in 4 hours per month at the gym; however, I'm going to test this out by increasing my workout time. You'll see this in an upcoming post as an example.
D12 - 4HB
TEMP | 95.3 |
WEIGHT | 121.8 |
BMI | 21.6 |
FAT | 30.6% |
MUSCLE | 28.8% |
RM kcal | 1237 |
BODY AGE | 26 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 103/58 65 |
D11 - 4HB
TEMP | 96.4 | 98.8 |
WEIGHT | 120.8 | 122.6 |
BMI | 21.4 | 21.7 |
FAT | 30.6% | 29.4% |
MUSCLE | 28.6% | 29.9% |
RM kcal | 1233 | 1242 |
BODY AGE | 26 | 27 |
VISCERAL | 4 | 4 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 104/60 71 | 107/54 65 |
D10 - 4HB
TEMP | 93.8 AFTER WATER | 98.4 |
WEIGHT | 121.2 | 122.0 |
BMI | 21.5 | 21.6 |
FAT | 30.3% | 30.3% |
MUSCLE | 29.0% | 29.1% |
RM kcal | 1235 | 1238 |
BODY AGE | 26 | 26 |
VISCERAL | 4 | 4 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 101/57 68 | 101/59 71 |
D9 - 4HB
TEMP | 95.2 AFTER WATER | 98.1 |
WEIGHT | 122.2 | 122.0 |
BMI | 21.6 | 21.6 |
FAT | 30.1% | 30.1% |
MUSCLE | 29.3% | 29.3% |
RM kcal | 1239 | 1238 |
BODY AGE | 26 | 26 |
VISCERAL | 4 | 4 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 105/62 65 | 105/58 69 |
D8 - 4HB
TEMP | 96.4 AFTER WATER | 98.9 |
WEIGHT | 124.4 | 123.0 |
BMI | 22.0 | 21.8 |
FAT | 29.3% | 28.3% |
MUSCLE | 30.3% | 30.8% |
RM kcal | 1251 | 1247 |
BODY AGE | 28 | 27 |
VISCERAL | 4 | 3 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 102/59 68 | 103/67 74 |
Had grouper for dinner that night before the Blues game. It came on this huge 6 in sub; however, I didn't eat a single bite of the bread. I was proud of the control I had this day.
D7 - 4HB
TEMP | 95.3 AFTER WATER | 98.1 |
WEIGHT | 124.6 | 125.2 |
BMI | 22.1 | 22.2 |
FAT | 30.4% | 29.1% |
MUSCLE | 29.5% | 30.5% |
RM kcal | 1250 | 1256 |
BODY AGE | 28 | 28 |
VISCERAL | 4 | 4 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 104/65 73 | 103/57 83 |
One of the biggest challenges I find is sticking to an eating schedule during the weekend. I need to find things to occupy my time so that I'm not at home grazing or thinking about food. Once my mindset goes to "hungry", then I'm looking for something to eat. More control needs to be had. This Sunday in particular, I went to my Grandma's and of course she made some sort of meat and mashed potatoes, and then wasn't a productive diet day. :-(
Left bicep: 9 3/4 in
Right bicep: 10 in
Chest: 32 in
Upper torso: 29 in
Navel: 34 in
Lower torso: 34.5 in *YAY!*
Left quad: 19 in
Right quad: 18 3/4 in
Left calf: 12 1/4 in
Right calf: 13 in
D6 - 4HB
TEMP | 98.1 |
WEIGHT | 120.6 |
BMI | 21.4 |
FAT | 30.1% |
MUSCLE | 29.0% |
RM kcal | 1232 |
BODY AGE | 25 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 107/62 74 |
Monday, February 14, 2011
D5 - 4HB
TEMP | 95.1 | 98.7 |
WEIGHT | 121.2 | 123.4 |
BMI | 21.5 | 21.9 |
FAT | 30.4% | 30.4% |
MUSCLE | 28.8% | 29.3% |
RM kcal | 1235 | 1245 |
BODY AGE | 26 | 27 |
VISCERAL | 4 | 4 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 108/61 67 | 114/48 72 |
Thursday, February 10, 2011
D4 - 4HB
TEMP | 96.0 | 98.6 |
WEIGHT | 120.4 | 122.0 |
BMI | 21.3 | 21.6 |
FAT | 30.3% | 30.1% |
MUSCLE | 28.8% | 29.2% |
RM kcal | 1231 | 1238 |
BODY AGE | 25 | 26 |
VISCERAL | 4 | 4 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 106/62 60 | 106/57 69 |
Breakfast was successful. I drank about 13 oz water instead of 27, and I took my AGG shortly after a few bites of food. My stomach wasn't upset after that process. Dinner consisted of 6 strips of turkey bacon, broccoli, carrots and cauliflower, 3 eggs, and some more lentils. I had one scoop of chocolate protein powder in water.
Two more days and I get to binge. I cannot wait till Saturday, I'm really excited because I miss bread, and cookies, and bagles oh my. =)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
D3 - 4HB
TEMP | 97.7 | 97.3 |
WEIGHT | 121.4 | 121.8 |
BMI | 21.5 | 21.6 |
FAT | 30.8% | 30.6% |
MUSCLE | 28.6% | 28.8% |
RM kcal | 1236 | 1237 |
BODY AGE | 26 | 26 |
VISCERAL | 4 | 4 |
BLOOD PRESSURE | 122/75 77 | 109/52 72 |
Today, I didn't display an image of my breakfast. I think the consumption of the water first thing in the amount of 27 oz was too much to handle. Enough said. There are a few different variables I need to take into account, so I have not consumed my glass of wine this evening, and I will be decreasing the initial consumption of water first thing in the morning.
GYM (7:00 PM):
- 3 x 5 35# T-Handle swings, 3 different starting positions
- 10 myotatic crunches
- 8 - 12 second holds of the "Cat Vomit"
- 30 - 90 second planks (center and both sides)
I spent a total of 30 minutes at the gym. I will also start a training program for the GO! St. Louis half marathon on February 25th as a challenge at work. The challenge is to log all your miles walked or run. I considered running the full, but realized I should have started training a while ago for that. My plan is to beat my 2:22:23, and then if it's successful, I will complete a full marathon later this year.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
D2 - 4HB
Monday, February 7, 2011
First Morning - 4HB
WAKE (7:00 AM):
I took my temperature before consuming 52 oz of refrigerated water. That was a very difficult thing to do SECOND thing in the morning. I was pretty cold from that alone.
GYM (6:30 PM):
DINNER (8:00 PM):
I believe I can finally relax and watch a show with ice on the top of my shoulder blades for about a half hour then off to bed.
I took my temperature before consuming 52 oz of refrigerated water. That was a very difficult thing to do SECOND thing in the morning. I was pretty cold from that alone.
- Temp: 97.3
- Weight: 125.6
- BMI: 22.3
- FAT: 31.6%
- MUSCLE: 28.8%
- RM kcal: 1254
- BODY AGE: 29
- BP: 125/65
- PULSE: 68
Then it's time to take my shower. WORST.SHOWER.EVER! I had hot water. It was all nice and warm, soothing and fresh. My alarm sounds after 3 minutes, and it's to shivering and perma-goosebumps I go. That was probably the fastest shower I've ever taken.
- 2 eggs, scrambled with cayenne pepper
- ~1 cup frozen spinach
- ~1 cup rinsed black beans.
The eggs were pretty tasty, the spinach wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated, and surprisingly the beans had a sweet flavor to them. I'm generally that girl who eats one thing at a time. I'd say that's not going to be the case for breakfast. I wonder if mashing the beans and spreading them on the eggs would taste good. At work, I had my usual cup of coffee with powdered French Vanilla Coffee-mate at work. I only used about a teaspoon and half a packet of Sweet N' Low, so I think I'm OK with that. After I had my coffee I had about 22 oz of green tea.
LUNCH (12:30 PM):
I realized I hadn't really thought about being hungry and it was more of a cafeteria time constraint more than it was hunger. I picked up a salad topped with chicken and some tomatoes and 1/2 the chipotle dressing than normal.
Normal portion |
Light portion |
GYM (6:30 PM):
- 3 x 10 20# T-Handle swings as a dead lift
- 3 x 10 20# T-Handle swings touching in between my heels
- 3 x 10 20# T-Handle swings starting off the ground and right under my butt
- 10 myotatic crunches
- 8 - 12 second holds of the "Cat Vomit" (It has a crazy name; however, insane level of effectiveness. I can't say I've ever used those muscles in my stomach before.)
- 30 - 90 second planks (center and both sides)
DINNER (8:00 PM):
- 1/4 lb 85/15 organic burger with "Todd's Dirt" bayou seasoning (delicious!)
- 1/2 cup broccoli
- Small salad with mushrooms, brocoli, and cauliflower
- Temp: 98.4
- Weight: 122.8
- BMI: 21.8
- FAT: 30.1%
- MUSCLE: 29.4%
- RM kcal: 1242
- BODY AGE: 27
- BP: 104/57
- PULSE: 89
I believe I can finally relax and watch a show with ice on the top of my shoulder blades for about a half hour then off to bed.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Success Sunday - 02.06.2011
Every Sunday will be my day for blogging my body tape measurements as well as my daily measurements.
Left bicep: 10 in
Right bicep: 10.5 in
Chest: 32 in
Upper torso: 29 in
Navel: 34 in
Lower torso: 35.5 in
Left quad: 20 in
Right quad: 20 in
Left calf: 13. in
Right calf: 13 in
Weight: 125
BMI: 22.1
Body Fat: 30.6%
Muscle 29.4%
RM kcal: 1252
Body Age: 28
Visceral body fat: 4
Blood Pressure: 106/62
Pulse: 71
Temperature: 98.2
Here's to a successful week!
Left bicep: 10 in
Right bicep: 10.5 in
Chest: 32 in
Upper torso: 29 in
Navel: 34 in
Lower torso: 35.5 in
Left quad: 20 in
Right quad: 20 in
Left calf: 13. in
Right calf: 13 in
Weight: 125
BMI: 22.1
Body Fat: 30.6%
Muscle 29.4%
RM kcal: 1252
Body Age: 28
Visceral body fat: 4
Blood Pressure: 106/62
Pulse: 71
Temperature: 98.2
Here's to a successful week!
Busy Sunday
Last night I got a Facebook comment from a friend asking for help painting her new awesome apartment. I really HATE painting, it's probably one of my least favorite things to do; however, I hate not being able to help a friend more. I made it to Edwardsville QT for coffee, hot chocolate, and muffins by noon.
- Most of the rooms were already taped off. *BONUS 1!*
- She had a roller extender. *BONUS 2!*
- The walls were already primed. *BONUS 3!*
- She had this little gadget to do straight lines. *BONUS 4!*
- And most important, awesome company! *ULTIMATE BONUS!*
I've now been inspired to paint my new apartment when I find it. Probably not as much as we painted today, I'm thinking just accent walls; however, that's more than my white walls I currently have. I think my past experiences in painting were negatively impacted by not having the proper tools.
Weight: it's just a number.
"I'm too fat." "I can't wear a size 2." "I can't wear this out fit because it makes my butt look big."
Sound familiar? Most recent days, I've felt the same way except it's more about not feeling good. Some days, I feel I'm not getting anything accomplished. On the weekends, I'm exhausted from the week and I don't get my "house work" done. In order to achieve any goal, the goal has to be defined, a plan designed, a call-of-action taken.
I'm ready to put Tim Ferriss' Four Hour Body to the test. I am now prepared for tracking my success in the form of an OrbiTape for tracking my body measurements, an OMRON blood pressure machine, and the OMRON HBF-516 body composition monitor and scale.
Weight: 125.2
BMI: 22.2
Body fat: 31.5%
Skeletal Muscle Percentage: 28.7%
RM kcal: 1252
Body Age: 28
Viceral Fat: 4 (normal is <= 9)
Blood Pressure: 99/55 67 pulse/min
Sound familiar? Most recent days, I've felt the same way except it's more about not feeling good. Some days, I feel I'm not getting anything accomplished. On the weekends, I'm exhausted from the week and I don't get my "house work" done. In order to achieve any goal, the goal has to be defined, a plan designed, a call-of-action taken.
I'm ready to put Tim Ferriss' Four Hour Body to the test. I am now prepared for tracking my success in the form of an OrbiTape for tracking my body measurements, an OMRON blood pressure machine, and the OMRON HBF-516 body composition monitor and scale.
Weight: 125.2
BMI: 22.2
Body fat: 31.5%
Skeletal Muscle Percentage: 28.7%
RM kcal: 1252
Body Age: 28
Viceral Fat: 4 (normal is <= 9)
Blood Pressure: 99/55 67 pulse/min
- Decrease body fat percentage from 31.5% to 10% in 1 year
- Decrease inches in core
- Perform an unassisted pull up
- Perform a handstand push-up
- Increase my squats to 150% of my body weight
- Improve flexibility
- Increase overall strength
PLAN (Four Hour Body)
- Supplements. I've ordered the PAGG stack mentioned in 4HB.
- T-Handle and other workouts. Initially, I purchased black iron steel; however, this pipe type will eventually rust. Galvanized steel has been coated with zinc to prevent rust development.
- Slow-Carb Diet.
- ICE methods. I made my own ice pack for my neck, and I'm certain the ice water immediately upon waking will not be challenging. The cold showers I think will be a huge challenge that I'm willing to attempt to overcome
Getting enough of the right things to eat.
Cold showers.
Limiting the workouts to 4 hours a month.
Consistently taking the supplements.
Saying goodbye to carbs for 6 days.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Apartment Wish List
The following is a list of features I would like my new apartment to have:
- BIG Kitchen!
- Washer and Dryer in the apartment
- Quiet furnace/AC
- Minimal neighbor noise
- Open space
- Natural lighting
- Either new carpet or hardwood floors
- Closed stairwells
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
New Beginnings
Today was my last day at my very first "big girl" job. I really enjoyed the time I spent at my employer, who gave me the opportunity to expand my skill set. I'm moving on to my second professional job in a week. I have that excited/nervous feeling that anyone gets when starting a new job. I'm really eager to start working and getting into a solid routine. After 3+ years a the same company, I'm ready for a much needed reset.
While I will miss my KLakers, I am looking forward to working with a whole new crew of people. The environment seems to be very laid back and stress-free, which will be a nice change of pace.
While I will miss my KLakers, I am looking forward to working with a whole new crew of people. The environment seems to be very laid back and stress-free, which will be a nice change of pace.
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