Sound familiar? Most recent days, I've felt the same way except it's more about not feeling good. Some days, I feel I'm not getting anything accomplished. On the weekends, I'm exhausted from the week and I don't get my "house work" done. In order to achieve any goal, the goal has to be defined, a plan designed, a call-of-action taken.
I'm ready to put Tim Ferriss' Four Hour Body to the test. I am now prepared for tracking my success in the form of an OrbiTape for tracking my body measurements, an OMRON blood pressure machine, and the OMRON HBF-516 body composition monitor and scale.
Weight: 125.2
BMI: 22.2
Body fat: 31.5%
Skeletal Muscle Percentage: 28.7%
RM kcal: 1252
Body Age: 28
Viceral Fat: 4 (normal is <= 9)
Blood Pressure: 99/55 67 pulse/min
- Decrease body fat percentage from 31.5% to 10% in 1 year
- Decrease inches in core
- Perform an unassisted pull up
- Perform a handstand push-up
- Increase my squats to 150% of my body weight
- Improve flexibility
- Increase overall strength
PLAN (Four Hour Body)
- Supplements. I've ordered the PAGG stack mentioned in 4HB.
- T-Handle and other workouts. Initially, I purchased black iron steel; however, this pipe type will eventually rust. Galvanized steel has been coated with zinc to prevent rust development.
- Slow-Carb Diet.
- ICE methods. I made my own ice pack for my neck, and I'm certain the ice water immediately upon waking will not be challenging. The cold showers I think will be a huge challenge that I'm willing to attempt to overcome
Getting enough of the right things to eat.
Cold showers.
Limiting the workouts to 4 hours a month.
Consistently taking the supplements.
Saying goodbye to carbs for 6 days.
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